cl> I love American people. I love American government. I hate American
cl> government's imperialistic agenda.
cl> I hope you see the difference.
Me too.
I think the real difference between US and China is that US is bastard
towards people abroad, but is good for US (mostly white...) residents.
Chinese government is not very bastards towards foreign countries (well, not
always, let's talk about Nepal...) but it's incredibly bastard against
Chinese people themselves, denying them any kind of freedom, censoring what
they say and what they think.
cl> I do not marginalize people I love by disrespecting their flawed
cl> political process. Do you comprehend what giant task it is to keep 1.3
cl> billion people fed, warm, safe from chaos? All the while doing it
cl> under overwhelming foreign influence and imperialistic hinderance,
cl> economic servitude?
You know better than me this fact: 4000 death penalties per year,
censorship, political jail, opinion crimes, cruel repression of parades and
on and on and on and cannot be excused by "keeping 1.3 billion people fed,
warm, safe from chaos". In this way you would justify Stalin and Pinochet,
Polpot and Mussolini. I believe in International right, to make any kind of
countries to repect the basical human rights, everywhere in the world.
Included US.
??>> Chinese government is one of the worst regimes
cl> Did China invade other countries on false WMD pretext? Did China seek
cl> to topple other's democratically elected government via covert
cl> intervention? Did China do these things for oil interest?
In Nepal, yes. Anyway I'm not here to defend US. I'm Italian and I'm one of
those who fought our government decision to follow USA in its stupid Iraq
war. I substantially agree about bad US politics. But we were talking about
China and art.23. My girlfriend lives in HK, I want to live there, that's
why I'm interested in it. If US wanted Italy to make a law to forbid
associations according to US decisions, I would have gone on the US
newsgroup and asked to sign against it. But I'm not American, I don't have
any laws imposed by Americans, and I normally fight my govern when it wants
to be the Bush's personal dog.
??>> in the world: human rights are
??>> systematically ignored: Amnesty International has been fighting since
??>> 1970 against this situation: no freedom,
cl> USA PA
Amnesty International fights against it.
??>> death penalty (for a lot of incredibly
??>> small things),
cl> US law allows execution of minors.
in China you have death penalty even for "alcohol label faking"..!!! ANYWAY:
Amnesty International fights against it.
??>> no animal rights,
cl> Americans consume Veal, Foie Gras - products of cruel animal abuse
Amnesty International fights against it.
Anyway, in China there are no laws about animal cruelty and even for rare
species. You can see people skinning a live cat, or killing a rare turtle,
and you can't do anything.
??>> censorship on every kind of media..!!!
cl> US' media reporting on Iraq should convince you of American's
cl> self-censorship.
It's SELF-CENSORSHIP. In US if you want the truth you can find it, it's
LEGAL to write what you want, the govern doesn't control the newspapers and
Internet, doesn't censor, doesn't CONVICT people who write on newspapers
that the war is not good! This is TOTALLY different from China.
Sure, a lot of mainstream media made a real self censorship: it's their
fault, not a law problem. If I'm American and live in US I can ALWAYS find
wherever I want a talk show or a newspaper where they say something
different from the government's point of view. Maybe it's small, maybe it's
not easy to find immediatly, but it's LEGAL.
Moreover: Amnesty International is legal in US, is legal mostly everywhere
in the world, EXCEPT FOR CHINA.
??>> Do
??>> you *like* this situation?
cl> No. Do you think these problems are unique, or specific to China?
No, it's specific of REGIMES. US is strange: it's not a regime but actually
it seems it's going to be a regime. That's bad. It's right to fight against
China *is* a regime. Hong Kong is not a regime. I want to live in HK, I fear
the regime close to HK wants to put its f*****g hands to HK's freedom.
??>> Do you think it's right all Chinese people still
??>> have to suffer for this? Do you think even HK has to be under that
??>> regime?
cl> Do you think it's right all Americans people still have to suffer for
cl> this? Do you think Americans have to be under that regime?
1) Americans still have the right to write on a newspaper "Bush is idiot".
In China they don't have the right to insult the governemnt. Don't you see
this BIG difference?
2) If my girlfriend was, i.e., from Cuba, I would have written something
like "please sign against US embargo on Cuba".
cl> Fix America and impose your self-righteousness on the American people
cl> first, then you have my blessing to fix China and impose your
cl> self-righteousness to the Chinese people.
I've always been doing it: certain US things are horrible and I've always
fought them. But in this case we were talking about art.23.
cl> But you would approach USA PA differently than Art 23. Why? Are
cl> Chinese/HKer different than the Americans, that they do not deserve
cl> the same respect? I've already demonstrated to you US is just as
cl> flawed as China, if not worse.
My approach is not different, I was just talking about something else!
Otherwise, everytime someone says "Ehy, in country X there is this bad
thing" you don't want to talk about it and so you say: "How about country
Y?" In this way, another man can say: "Ah! And why don't you talk about
country Z"? and so on... We never stop arguing. So, let's open a thread
about US PA and let's open a thread about art.23 and let's open a thread
about anything you want. But it's very stupid to avoid to sign a petition
only because there are people who don't speak about *another* petition...
It's childish! It's just a way to change topic!
??>> I don't understand your situation.
??>> I give you a metaphore, maybe you understand better:
??>> Senbee: hey, my wife wants to kill my children! Help me!
??>> Charles: Don't help him, I know other children who've been beaten by
??>> their parents.
cl> Apply this to America or Italy, then see if you feel differently.
No no, I apply it and I see it in the *same* way!
This is the REAL point, the real difference between you and me.
I see a problem and I want to solve it. You see a problem, but you say
"well, there are so many other problems in the world... Ok, forget it".
cl>>> Again, such conclusion shows people make biased judgement re the
cl>>> Chinese people.
??>> My girlfriend is Chinese, I love Chinese people and I hate they are
??>> going to lose their freedom because of a f*****g regime.
cl> Do you feel the same way about Bush regime for the Iraqis?
Sure! If my gf was from Iraq...
My position about Iraq war: something had to be done against Saddam, but
long time ago and by ONU, not NOW and only by US. First of all, to avoid US
imperialism. Second: US are very stupid in wars. Except for the 2nd World
War, they were only able to make a big mess everytime they tried to "help"
foreign countries...
cl> No, try to understand your biased view, let HK take care of herself,
cl> on her own terms.
And I want this: I want HK takes care of itself! Those 600000 people were
Hongkongers! THEY don't want art.23! They want democracy, they don't want a
chief (not elected by them) impose them a law "suggested" by Beijing... If
you see the signs on the petition, they are 99% from HKers..!
That's why I suggest a referendum.
cl> It's peculiar to me why people would think so low of another human
cl> being, so much that they believe HKer are inferior humans incapable of
cl> taking care of themselves, or do not deserve self-determination.
Exactly the opposite. Because I DO believe in HKers self-determination I
want THEY decide about art.23, I want THEY elect their president, I want
they have DEMOCRACY, I don't want any laws imposed by Beijing to limitate
HKer's freedom.
aka Senbee Norimaki
ICQ# 4243376